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– Hello, Amy. Will you come to our party tonight?
– Thank you, Brian. I am afraid not. I shan’t be able to come because I have to prepare to my exams.
– Yesterday I saw you in the reading hall during the break. You were working hard.
– Yes, I was, but still I have got a lot of material to learn. That’s why I’ll be reading the whole evening today.
– Oh, I see. You are such a hard-working student. When will the exams end?
– We’ll have our last exam in a week.
– Will you be able to join us for a skiing trip Saturday morning at ten o’clock?
– I think not. I’ll be taking my exam in the history at that time.
– How are you going to spend the holidays?
– If I pass the exams successfully, I’ll leave for my native town.
– Is it far from Kyiv?
– No, it’s quite near. I hope to have a good time and rest there.
Why Amy will not go skiing on Saturday?