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Donald: «Hello, John! Where were you last month?».
John: «Oh, I was on holiday».
Donald: «Oh, really? But you were on holiday in January».
John: «Yes, I was in Norway in January».
Donald: «And where were you last month?».
John: «I was in Florida».
Donald: «Florida? What was it like?».
John: «Fantastic! The weather was beautiful… the sea was warm».
Donald: «What was the hotel like?».
John: «Excellent! There was a swimming-pool and private beach. There were three restaurants and two bars».
Donald: «What were the people like?».
John: «They were very friendly».
Donald: «Was your wife with you?».
John: «No, she wasn’t. She never comes with me on holiday».
Donald: «What about the children? Were they with you?».
John: «No, they weren’t. They were with their grandparents».
What is true?