- They study English at school.
English [‘INglIS] англійська (мова)
- I go to the University on week-days. I am going to the University. I don’t go to the University on Sundays. Do you go to the University on Sundays?
University [jHnI’vWsItI] університет
week [wJk] тиждень
day [deI] день
week-days – будні
Sunday [‘sAndI] неділя
on Sunday – в неділю
on Sundays – щонеділі
- He is reading. He is not reading. Is he reading? – Yes, he is. What is he reading? – He is reading a magazine. He likes to read. He doesn’t like to read. Does he like to read? – Yes, he does. What does he like to read? – He likes to read poems.
poem [pouIm] вірш
- My friends are going to the river. They are not going to the river. Are they going to the river? – No, they aren’t. Where are they going? – They are going to school.
- They like to go to school. They don’t like to go to school. Do they like to go to school? Where do they like to go? Who likes to go to school?
- What are you doing now? – I am working. Where are you working? – I am working in the garden. I am planting an apple-tree. I like to plant trees. Do you like to plant trees? – No, I don’t like to plant trees. I like to plant flowes.
to plant [plRnt] саджати (рослини)
apple [xpl] яблуко
tree [trJ] дерево
apple-tree – яблуня
flower [flauq] квітка
- I want to buy this shirt. I don’t want to buy this shirt. Do you want to buy this shirt? Buy me this shirt. Let’s buy this shirt. Don’t buy this shirt.
shirt [SWt] сорочка
- Come in, please. Don’t come in. The children are sleeping. They always sleep at this time.
to come [kAm] приходити
to come in – заходити
always [‘Llwqz] завжди
time [taIm] час
at this time – у цей час