In my opinion an ideal day off is the time you spend with your friends or relatives, generally speaking with the people who are very close to you and whose company you always enjoy. You can also enjoy your day off alone when you are tired and exhausted and haven’t got any desire to talk to anybody and need privacy. But in general, I am for active rest. There are many places you can go to like cinemas, theatres, museums, cafes, parties. You can also go out of town. A day off for me is a nice possibility to escape from the daily routine. I have a five-days working week and sometimes I am busy on Saturdays or Sundays. So, every day off came like a reward and like all nice things it flashed by very quickly.
I hated staying at home at the weekend. I was happy that I could devote the whole Saturday afternoon to going out with my friends. In good warm weather we took long walks in the park or strolled along the streets. Then we could talk for hours about our favourite teams, pop singers or rock groups. Sometimes I could go to bed later than midnight on Saturdays.
Unlike many of my friends I was not in the habit of getting up late on Sundays. On Sunday I usually went to the sports ground to play a game of football or basketball which are my favourite sports. Each time after the game I always felt fit and was ready to face another working week. On Sunday afternoons I usually took the dog for a walk. Occasionally I helped mother about the house vacuum-cleaning or taking the rubbish out. Sometimes I went away with my family to the countryside for the whole day. Having spent the whole day in the open air I felt rested and fit for work the whole next week.
Of course, my weekends were different depending on the season. Summer weekends were more enjoyable while long weekend winter evenings were somewhat boring. I dream about the time when I can go for a drive to different places in my country and abroad and take up sports seriously.